On this site, there is a great deal of information about the filming of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Whilst I was in New Zealand with Peter Jackson's film crews (on some days there were four or five units working simultaneously in and around the Wellington studios) I recorded my impressions in the Grey Book - named for Gandalf the Grey, the wizard who leads the Fellowship of The Ring in its fight against Sauron, the Lord of the Rings. My journal continued as The White Book.
It is difficult to catalogue the entries (though you may search the site) but I hope reading them in or out of order will convey the fascination and excitement of bringing Tolkien's masterpiece to the big screen.
Since I was cast as Gandalf (the Grey and the White) I have been responding to enquiries about specifics in my Lord of the Rings E-posts. The most frequently asked questions to date now have their own page.
Throughout, my views are my own, sometimes indiscreet but not intended to challenge the authoritative information on the official LOTR site.
Ian McKellen, October 2001