"Mercy!" cried Gandalf: "if the giving of
information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend
all the rest of my days in answering you. What do you want to know?" |
1 March 2005

From: Indrid Cold
Q: I do not speak English perfect. I know, that you once said,
that you wish, that the full "Grey heaven"-scene is in the Special
Extended Edition. But why is this scene not extended? I think, it
would be a great scene (if I am right, you shake the hands from the
hobbits, and you even give a kiss to Pippin, so like Frodo kissed Sam).
A: I agree with you. By the end Gandalf and Pippin have
been through so much that a little extra affection is in order.

From: miriam(micki)johnson
Q: Please, sir, couldn't Gandalf change our President, George w.
Bush, into "somethin' unnatural"
A: I'll have a word with the wizard but it may not be possible.

From: Arastrider
Q: i went to the big LOTR performance of Howard Shore's music last
September at the Royal Albert Hall(which was amazing!) and was wondering
if you were there and if you were asked sing at all like Billy & Viggo
did in the ROTK?
A: I missed the London version of the concert which I did
attend in Wellington at the time the third film was released, at which
Viggo sang.

From: Neil Kandalgaonkar
Q: I heard that you recently attended One Man Lord of the Rings at
the Vancouver Fringe Festival. Could you share your impressions of
the show?
A: This was a thoroughly engaging show - an hour of visual and
verbal jokes at the expense of the film trilogy, Tolkien as well as the
actors, although it was always clear that the actor Charles Ross adored
his material. He flung himself into it literally, spending half
the performance on the stage floor impersonating Orc armies as well as
individual characters. I laughed inordinately.

Mr. McKellen:
Actually, since I'm screwing up my courage to do something very out
of character here, just so I can add one more voice of thanks to the
roar, there's no need for you to reply. In faithfully wearing the
mantle of Gandalf, you have in some sense also filled his shoes and
carried his staff of office: you have kindled hearts to hope and
blessing and joy for many who would never otherwise have read the books.
It is my prayer that your heart may find hope kindled within it too, so
that you will be in a place of receiving joy and blessing equal to what
you conveyed to many of us, the fans of both the book and the movie.
Here is a piece of trivia I offer in hopes of returning a small measure
of my delight: In the additional material of Tolkien's legendarium
(Volume 11 if I remember correctly) so carefully edited and presented by
Christopher Tolkien, there is a family tree for the Boffin clan in which
the pater familias is named Orlando, and a couple of generations down
are cousins Vigo (sic.) and Hugo. More than likely someone else
has already shared this, but if not, I thought you would be amused by
the coincidence, even if none of their namesakes played hobbits.
God bless! One Grateful Granny
A: Such a lovely letter deserves a reply. And I was
indeed amused by those Boffin names. isn't there a Mck there somewhere?

From: Lee Rowe
Q: When you were about to leave Helm's Deep on Shadowfax, you gave a
big sigh. Was that part of the acting or were you just plain tired
and ready to call it a day? My wife and I thought it was well placed in
any event and seemed to indicate "Now it begins".
A: Acting it was. Had I sighed or yawned or belched or
whatever inappropriately, the director would have excised it.
Sometimes, rarely, it's true that an inadvertent sound or look is
retained in the finished film because, although by accident, it provides
just what is needed.
From: paul wilson
Q: Peter Jackson indicated in many interviews that he intended to
show Sauron in physical form in the last movie saying something to the
affect that it would be like seeing all the Star Wars movies without
seeing Darth Vader. When I went to see the movie I was expecting to see
Sauron but it was not to be (a better decision in my opinion). Do you
happen to know the reason for it?
A: Can't help I'm afraid beyond telling you that we filmed
Sauron's exit from the story and that Peter Jackson originally intended
to include it in the finalised DVD version of The Return of the King.
From: Alix
Q: Is there a white pipe hidden in the top of Gandalf The White's
staff? If so, I can't find it. Surely his transformation didn't impel
him to give up pipeweed!
A: The White Wizard is a smoker. He's the sort of character,
isn't he, who keeps things up his sleeve.

Photo by Pirre Vinet
From: Jeff Clement
Q: I had a quick but burning question about Fellowship of the Ring.
In the EE DVD, it's mentioned there was a really charming scene between
Gandalf and Legolas in Hollin as they ascend to the Gates of Moria that
was cut out. Can you tell me a little about what the scene comprises and
what they say?
A: Gandalf identified the road as one he knew of old. He
also asked Legolas and Gimli to try and get on better together.
From: Kelly Lavadie
Q: After years of waiting (and 25 years of reading), I was ecstatic
to see Tolkien's greatest novel on the big screen. I was among the
addicts that stood in line for hours at midnight on opening night for
each movie. Now that it's all over, I find myself going through
post-partum Tolkien depression. Did you or any other cast members that
you know of suffer from separation anxiety after wrapping the films? And
if so, how did you cope?
A: In December 2000, most of us were relieved (after a year or
more away from home) to be returning to normality. We always knew we
would be called back to New Zealand for extra filming each year until
the trilogy was complete. So our separation was gradual. At the
climactic world premiere of Return of the King in Wellington, the
end finally arrived. I certainly felt sad and envied the few cast
members who were invited back to make King Kong. Then I got on
with other work.
Additional E-Posts about LOTR may be found in
The Lord of the Rings
