With Michael Cashman on 20,000-strong March in Manchester, protesting Section 28, which banned the promotion of homsexuality in state-funded UK schools.
On the deck in London Terry O'Neill for 'New York'
At The National Theatre (l to r): P W, B B, Peter Hall, M B, Peter Gill, Ian McKellen, Edward Petherbridge, D H, Richard Eyre Nobby Clark
With Michael Feinstein, Boston
25 January 1988 The Arts Lobby
Cover M Magazine, April 1985
With Michael Feinstein in Boston
With the actor Gorden Kaye on the uncovered remains of the Rose Theatre, Bankside, London, where Shakespeare first worked.
25 January 1988 The Arts Lobby Melvyn Bragg, Michael Cashman, Ian McKellen, Eleanor Bron, Terry Jones, Sheila Hancock, Lenny Henry and others outside The Playhouse Keith Dobney
Tim Richmond
Manchester Protest of Section 28 Charlie Baker
Gay Times, April 1988
Addressing Manchester Protest of Section 28
Protest against Section 28, Manchester, 20 February
Stage: Ned Sherrin proves hes no wet as he makes a stand against Clause 28 (Ian McKellen in bg) Colin Bourner
I feel a right tit Annie Liebovitz
With Richard Harris
At Manchester Rights Rally Charlie Baker
The Arts Lobby, formed to fight Section 28
18 December 1988 Ian McKellen, David Kernan, Ned Sherrin, Keith Waterhouse, Judi Dench, Alan Bates, and Michael Williams at The Playhouse in support of Crusaid Caz Gorham
20 February 1988 Manchester Protest against Section 28
L to R: Eleanor Bron (The Duchess of Malfi), Ian McKellen (Bosola), and Laurence Rudic (Death). THE DUCHESS OF MALFI Jon Vere Brown
Ian McKellen and Judi Dench during production of BBC radio extract from Noel Cowards Private Lives, in celebration of H.M. The Queen Mothers 90th birthday DEAR AND HONOURED LADY
Photo essay in The Sunday Times, 15 September 1985 THE CRITIC Ian McKellen
Sneer (Jonathan Hyde), Dangle (Roy Kinnear), Puff (Ian McKellen), Sir Christopher Hatten (Simon Dutton), Sir Walter Raleigh (Tristram Wymark) THE CRITIC John Haynes
Sir Andrew (Ian McKellen, L) bids adieu to Susan Traherne (Meryl Streep) on the steps of the Foreign Ministry PLENTY Frank Connor
A Polaroid record of my make-up to check continuity between shots. This version with Meryl Streep’s cheeky pill-box hat and purse was not a part of the finished film! PLENTY
The McKellen/Petherbridge Group: Jonathan Hyde, Ian McKellen, Laurance Rudic, Claire Moore, Simon Dutton, Roy Kinnear, Selina Cadell, Greg Hicks, Stephen MacDonald, Hugh Lloyd, Peter Needham, Julie Legrande, Edward Petherbridge, Eleanor Bron, Sheila Hancock, Dikran Tulaine, Tristram Wymark THE CHERRY ORCHARD
Standing L to R: Simon Dutton, Greg Hicks, Hugh Lloyd, Selina Cadell, Julie Legrand, Jonathan Hyde, Peter Needham, Tristram Wymark.
Sitting L to R: Roy Kinnear, Eleanor Bron, Ian McKellen, Sheila Hancock, Edward Petherbridge, Claire Moore, Laurence Rudic. THE CHERRY ORCHARD
Dunyasha (Selina Cadell) and Lopakhin (Ian McKellen) THE CHERRY ORCHARD John Haynes
As Lopakhin in The Cherry Orchard at the Cottesloe in London THE CHERRY ORCHARD Richard Mildenhall/Observer
Lopakhin (Ian McKellen), Firs (Hugh Lloyd) and Ranevskaya (Sheila Hancock) THE CHERRY ORCHARD Douglas Jeffrey
Ian McKellen as the actress who had the distinction of turning down young Anton Chekhovs first rambling play about Platonov, which he sent her. This eventually became Wild Honey, once Michael Frayn got adapting, based on the draft found posthumously by Antons brother. The original was destroyed by Chekhov when the actress sent it back.
Kathryn Walker (as young Anton); Kim Cattrall (as young Anton - I think); J Smith-Cameron, William Duff-Griffin as a cleaner??
5 June 1988 Uncle Freddie (Ian McKellen) and Max (Hugh Quarshie) in a scene from Martin Shermans Bent for Before the Act gala to protest Section 28 Before the Act Bill Short