Ian McKellen Photo Galleries Posters and Programmes: 1990-Present Photos Tokyo Globe: King Lear (Brian Cox) and King Richard (Ian McKellen)RICHARD III 24 April 1995Programme DVD CoverLOVING WALTER PosterRICHARD III Japanese posterGODS AND MONSTERS BEFORE THE ACT, Benefit to fight Section 28, 5 June 1994 Programme CoverA KNIGHT OUT AT THE LYCEUM US PosterDAVID COPPERFIELD (1999) Shes Back!ALADDIN Teaser PosterX-MEN 27 JanuaryProgramme for Holocaust Memorial Day, when I spokeHolocaust Memorial Day Magazine coverCORIOLANUS (1984-5) PRESENT LAUGHTER Apt Pupil Poster - Theatrical ReleaseAPT PUPIL PostcardTHE SEAGULL (1998) PosterA KNIGHT OUT IN LOS ANGELESGreg Gorman Ian McKellen, April 1, 1997, Oil on Canvas 13¾ x 10¾, ©David Hockney David Hockney Book CoverRICHARD III PostcardTHE TEMPEST CelebrityWonder.com AdRICHARD III AdRICHARD III PosterA Show for Glasgay! Print ad for L.A. show.AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE (Los Angeles) Movie PosterCOLD COMFORT FARM Movie PosterAND THE BAND PLAYED ON Movie PosterRICHARD III One SheetWAITING FOR GODOTSasha Gusov Theatre PosterUNCLE VANYA ProgrammeKing's Parade Theatre PosterRICHARD III ProgrammeNAPOLI MILIONARIA Poster/Programme cover.AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE (London) PosterGODS AND MONSTERS Banner outside the Ahmanson TheatreAN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE (Los Angeles)Keith Stern Poster (Scandinavian)SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION 5 March 2006Poster for Comedy at the Court II in support of One Parent Families Programme coverBENT (1990) PosterJean-Marie Guyaux Movie PosterRICHARD III City of Los Angeles State of California Resolution: Whereas, Sir Ian McKellen is one of the most acclaimed theatre actors of his generation, a gay-rights advocate, and champion for bringing the joys of theater, film, and literature to youth around the world; and whereas, Sir Ian has been honored with more than forty international awards for his performances on stage and screen; and whereas, Sir Ians work is diverse and ranges from Shakespeare on a London stage to James Whale on screen in Gods and Monsters; and whereas, Sir Ian addressed a million people at the 1993 March on Washington and continues as a member and volunteer for Stonewall UK which he co-founded in 1988 to lobby for gay/lesbian rights; and whereas, Sir Ians civic duties extend to the classroom, spreading the joy of theater nd literature to Los Angeles public schoolchildren; and whereas, Sir Ian continues to educate community youth through his performance as Gandalf the Grey in the recently released film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings; and whereas, Sir Ian will touch the lives of additional Los Angeles youth on January 19, 2002 at MOCA when he reads from the text of Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring for local children, once again making literature fun for everyone: now, therefore be it resolved, that by the adoption of this resolution, the Los Angeles City Council recognizes Sir Ian McKellen for his dedication to the children and young people of Los Angeles and commends his efforts to inspire youth to explore and enjoy literature.