X-Men More?Rumour, 31 May 2006: From SuperHeroHype: Bruno Confirms McKellen in Magneto. Source: 'Antony' tells us he got to chat with X-Men: The Last Stand visual effects supervisor John Bruno about both Magneto and Fantastic Four 2: "I didn't know if you were interested but I can confirm that Ian McKellen will be playing Magneto in the prequel. I was told this by John Bruno at a screening of X3. The company who worked on X3 to deage them is also going to be doing the Mags prequel. According to John, Ian is really excited." Fact: "I am a total fan of John Bruno — his dedication to the X-Men films and his achievements in The Last Stand are exemplary. As on screen, he has made the impossible possible and the fantastic believable and the dreamworld actual, I am going to accept that John's rumour may well turn out to be true. In the meantime, this is the first I have heard of it. I suppose that the huge success of the third film makes it more likely that prequels, sequels, and spin-offs may now be in the planning." — Ian McKellen, 1 June 2006 Rush Hour 3?Rumour, 29 May 2006: Director Brett Ratner has fleshed out his wishlist for his upcoming sequel 'Rush Hour 3' by claiming that he is trying to convince Sir Ian McKellen to play the villain in the film. According to Ratner, McKellen, should he sign up to star alongside Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker for the film, would play "the very bad French villain, who is inspired by Max Von Sydow in Three Days of the Condor". Fact: "Who am I to contradict a director, and one so currently blooming as Brett Ratner?" — Ian McKellen, 1 June 2006 Birthday in France?
Rumour, 26 May 2006: Movie & Entertainment News provided by World Entertainment News Network 2006-05-26 12:57:44: Actor SIR IAN McKELLEN has reached the prime of his life at the age of 67. The actor celebrated his birthday at the Cannes Film Festival in France yesterday (25MAY06), partying like a teenager. Fact: "Not true - in fact I
partied like a 67-year-old!"
Rumour, 3 May 2005: "Hi, I'm a reporter working on the North West Evening Mail and we cover Grange-over-Sands where it is rumoured that Sir Ian has a holiday home." Fact: "I haven't lived up north since 1958 when I left Bolton in Lancashire for Cambridge University. I often visit Cumbria where my step-mother lives but it's her house not mine. It's always exhilarating to be near Morecambe Bay and the mountains of the Lake District National Park." — Ian McKellen, 5 May 2005
Rumour, 10 July 2004: "I have heard rumors that you tried out for the role of Prof. X in X-MEN. Is this true?" Fact: "No: and anyway I'm pretty sure Patrick Stewart was already cast before I was asked to play Magneto. " — Ian McKellen, 19 July 2004 Rumour, 17 July 2004: "There seems to not be alot of news on x-men 3 at moment, they seem slow in making this 3rd installment, wondered if you knew to why the such delay.Some say that X3 and X4 will be filmed together much like the matrix sequels." Fact: "Ain't It Cool News reports that Bryan Singer and his writers on X-Men 2 are signed to make the next Superman movie. Where that leaves any future X-Men sequels remains a puzzle which not even Magneto can solve." — Ian McKellen, 19 July 2004
Rumour, 20 June 2004: "Is it true that Sir Ian refused to be in Bill Condon's latest film Kinsey. Has he fallen out with the director of Gods and Monsters?" Fact: "Not at all! An early draft of Kinsey had an interesting part for me in support of Liam Neeson but as it didn't survive through to the shooting script, I was robbed of the chance of working again with Bill and with Liam for the first time. The character was to have introduced the film and was loosely based on Clarence Tripp, who worked with Kinsey and wrote the landmark book The Homosexual Matrix. Bill had interviewed him while researching the script, before Tripp died last year. I saw an early cut of the film at Oscar time and found it a rivetting and timely account of America's waking up to the existence of gay men in the population." — Ian McKellen, 24 June 2004
Fact: "In September 2004, I am scheduled to act in Neverwas, scripted and directed by Joshua Stern. Like many American movies these days, this will shoot in British Columbia, one of my favourite parts of the world." — Ian McKellen, 7 June 2004 [Webmaster's note: Click here for more details: Neverwas]
Fact: "First I've heard of it." — Ian McKellen, 14 June 2004 Rumour, 20 May 2004: I read that Sir Ian has said that he could imagine being many things in life but could not imagine being a Canadian. Could you tell me where the quote was from and/or the context? Fact: "This is news to me but as it sounds like an attempt at a joke at Canada's expense, it probably originated in USA." — Ian McKellen, 7 June 2004 [Webmaster's note: Actually, the quote was taken — out of context — from this interview in The Independent. The actual quote, referring to acting: "I can imagine what it's like to cast spells or have superpowers. But imagining what it's like to be Canadian? No. You'd need experience for something like that."] Rumour, 21 May 2004: From the X-MEN trivia listing on IMDb. This true?
Fact: "When Bryan Singer first talked to me about playing Magneto, he sent me some back copies of the X-Men comics. It's true I liked the style of the illustrations though I had been warned that the film would look quite different and so would the costuming of the mutants. I am not unused to wearing tights after the many plays I have done which were set in the Elizabethan period. However, as it would have been nigh-impossible for me to adopt the original Magneto's bulky physique, I was relieved that his clothes were not going to be skintite. "Louise Mingenbach, who designed Magneto's day clothes and his fighting uniform, showed me her preliminary sketches and I made a few suggestions during the fittings. "From the start, what attracted me to the film was its story and its characters." — Ian McKellen, 28 May 2004 Rumour, 16 April 2004: "I don't believe everything I read at 'Contact Music' so I wonder if you can confirm or deny the story they ran, reporting
Fact: "I have never been known to snore — ask whoever you can find! As for snoozing in the theatre, think of it. At the end of a long day's work, you settle down in a comfy seat and they turn the lights off. I have slept through many a distinguished production. The only satisfactory aspect of this report is that my age was reported correctly." — Ian McKellen, 4 May 2004 Rumour, 27 January 2004: "I have recently been informed by a colleague of mine that Ian McKellen has gone on record stating that he would quit his membership of the Academy if Lost In Translation were to win an Oscar. Is this true? If so what are McKellen's objections to the movie?" Fact: "Lost in Translation is a very fine movie which I relished for its script, direction and acting. Anyone who has been lonely working abroad will feel the same. I wish Ms Coppola and her cast the very best." — Ian McKellen, 28 January 2004 Rumour, 7 November 2003: "The Daily Mail (in their Wicked Whispers column) report that 'Ian McKellen infuriated fellow thesp Orlando Bloom at Tuesday night's British Independent Film Awards when he said he'd turned up in the hope of a snog from his fellow Lord of the Rings star. A furious Bloom retorted afterwards: "I'm not gay. I've got a girlfriend." ' This is untrue isn't it?" Fact: On 5 November at the British Independent Film Awards, the Variety UK Personality of the Year Award was presented to Ian McKellen at Hammersmith Palais by Orlando Bloom. They sat at the same table and caught up on each other’s news. Bloom gave a charming speech to which McKellen replied. His self-deprecating remarks began: “I’m not quite sure why I have been honoured in this way but perhaps the organisers realised that I would go anywhere for a free drink and a chance to kiss Orlando!” Much laughter and no complaints from Bloom, who accepted the joke as a compliment. Indeed, next day he called to thank McKellen for inviting him to the Awards and said how much he was looking forward to meeting up again at the world premiere of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King on 1 December in New Zealand.
Rumour, 24 August 2003: "The BBC recently reported that you were born in Salford. Your website says you were born in Burnley. Well?" Fact: "Salford is adjacent to Manchester and is the birthplace of Albert Finney. I have never lived there! I was born in Burnley, then lived in Wigan (1939-52) and Bolton (1952-58) — all, like Manchester and Salford, in the County of Lancashire, in northwest England." — Ian McKellen, 25 August 2003 Rumour, 2 August 2003: "There is a trailer floating around stating that Peter Jackson is directing THE HOBBIT, which is to star Ian Holm, Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis and will be opening in December of 2006. Is there any truth to this rumor?" Fact: "This rumour is wishful thinking perhaps encouraged by my oft-expressed notion that PJ should at least oversee a screen adaptation of The Hobbit, whose rights are currently held by New Line Cinema and MGM/UA. I think it would make a stunning long-running television serial, including a great deal more plot detail than is advisable in even a 9-hour trilogy." — Ian McKellen, 3 August 2003 Rumour, 4 July 2003: There are rumors that Sir Ian was to have played Adama in the cancelled Singer/DeSanto TV movie of "Battlestar Galactica." Is there any basis in fact to these rumors? Fact: "I scarcely knew about "BG" until it was cancelled and still know little about it. Any Singer/DeSanto project gets my interest." — Ian McKellen, 3 August 2003 Rumour, 13 July 2003: "I was reading on a British theatre website that Ian McKellen and Alan Rickman would be starring in the Royal Shakespeare Co.'s Summer Season 2003. Is this true?"Fact: "It is true that I have recently talked to Michael Boyd, the new Artistic Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, about his plans for Stratford-upon-Avon, where the RSC has its home base. I hope it mightn't be too long before I return to the RSC, where I enjoyed working so much when Trevor Nunn was in charge, but I have no plans to be back there this year. I cannot answer for Alan Rickman, although I hear Judi Dench will be." — Ian McKellen, 22 July 2003Rumour, 12 April 2003: "i heard that Ian and Christoper (saruman) got in to a fight in public, in london and almost killed each other. plz tell me this isnt true"Fact: "Wherever The Fellowship of the Ring is screened, Gandalf and Saruman fight. Elsewhere Christopher Lee and I are best of pacific friends." — Ian McKellen, 14 April 2003Rumour, 12 December 2002: "Hi, there's a rumor going around at my work that Sir Ian McKellen has recently died. Is this true? I certainly hope not."Fact: Ian McKellen is alive and well. This rumour seemed to start circulating after the death of Richard Harris, who played the wizard "Dumbledore" in the Harry Potter movies, on 25 October 2002 at the age of 72.Rumour, 14 November 2002: "There's a rumour on the Net that Sir Ian is going to play Professor Dumbledore in the next Harry Potter movie, following the sad passing of Richard Harris. Is this true? It would be wonderful if it IS true, but I know how easily these rumours start, so I'm not getting too excited yet! Perhaps you could just let me know "officially"? (Maybe he doesn't want to be typecast as an elderly man with a flowing white beard!) Thanks."Fact: Ian McKellen has NOT agreed to succeed the late Richard Harris in the role of Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies. He has expressed interest in perhaps playing a different role some time in the future of the series.And further: Rumour, 9 January 2003: "i know that on this site it confirms that sir ian will not be playing dumbledore in the forthcoming harry potter films, but on imdb.com there is a later dated article claiming that he has been confirmed in the role. i'm sure you're tired of these questions by now but i would appreciate a confirmation or otherwise and i'm sure me and many other fans of the harry potter films and ian mckellen would appreciate this information being changed on imdb.com, a usually reliable site, now has him in the cast list for the next HP film, and possibly you would be the right person to make this request to them. many thanks for any information or help. " ========================================================
========================================================== [Webmaster's Note: Warner Bros has announced the role of Professor Dumbledore will be played by Michael Gambon in upcoming HARRY POTTER films.] Rumour, 6 December 2002: "I recently, as in two hours ago, heard from my friend that she heard on the radio that Ian McKellen got married. I am Ian's number one fan, trust me, I am, and this news came as quite a shock (and a wonderful surprise). I was searching the internet trying to verify the news, and all I could find was an article saying that Ian and Nick were going to get married, but were not married yet, obviously. If you have any answers for me as to whether they are going to get married or are married, I would greatly appreciate an email back. The suspense is really killing me."Fact: Ian McKellen has no plans to get married. Do not believe everything (or perhaps anything) you read in "The Globe," the US tabloid that spread this rumour.Rumour, 6 December 2002: "My mother recently told me that she'd heard you on an interview while you were in Canada...i think it was B.C. or something. I've also heard rumours that u like it here so much you're thinking of moving here? Is that true, cuz that would be pretty cool, we have a serious lacking in recognizable actors here, they all seem to move OUT of the country!"Fact: Ian McKellen has spent a lot of time in Canada recently, filming X-Men and Emile. London is still his home, and he has no plans to live permanently in Canada.Rumor, 22 October 2002: "I have heard a rumor that Ian McKellen is going to be in a new film with John Malkovich in 2003 called Borgia, is this true?"Fact: Ian McKellen has no plans to be involved in the project.Rumour, 13 August 2002: "I heard on the news that you are allergic to wheat gluten, and have started your own Gluten Free food line. Is this true?!"Fact: Sir Ian is NOT allergic to wheat and does not have any plans for a line of food.
Fact: As you will see throughout this website (Writings, E-Posts, Activism etc.), Sir Ian is not just openly gay, but also an activist for gay civil rights.Just a RumourRumour, July 2003: "Is it true that The Pope is a woman - i mean what a bitch! and look at her frocks! do u think it matters what His Holiness thinks says or prays about? I mean look at the guys who elected him! Wouldn't you like to play a pope? Serena the First in white satin." Reply: "It is difficult to work out the Vatican's motives for wording this latest outburst so savagely. Are they genuinely scared of us gays like they used to be of the godless Communists? They certainly scare me. The cardinalia are spoiling for a fight which they believe they can win. As a non-believer I haven't been over-impressed by the Christian declarations from The White House and Number Ten and I preferred it when Pope John was opposing the invasion of Iraq. "At the very highest levels of the Vatican Papal circle I am told by an impeccably placed third party, a cardinal has regular sex with a lay employee in the Papal city. There are apparently lengthy gaps between sex for the cardinal to re-confess and clear his conscience. Celibacy must be a taxing state of mind. A man who hides his true nature behind the purple doesn't respect himself. He can love his neighbour only as much as he loves himself and that's little. Even if it's just a rumour, it's a major example of hypocrisy and of homophobia - a condition which affects gays as much as anybody else. "I think a female pope would be fun. How can anyone take for the gospel, the views of such a male enclave? The UK military were just as bad about admitting gays, who have now been uneventfully welcomed into the ranks. Along with the US High Command, the Pope's contempt for gay people and their passions must be the last harrumph of the uncertain male, the action of a bully. I watch this latest episode of international aggression, appalled at how cruel men can be. "These are violent times." — Ian McKellen, 3 August 2003 |