Cartoon: by Hewison in Punch Magazine: Jennifer Hilary (Zoe) and Ian McKellen (Godfrey) - I bought the original drawing which accompanied the Punch review, starting a collection of Hewison's work which I discontinued a decade or so later.
Clarence Derwent Award as best supporting actor of the year - 50 pounds
sterling from British Actors' Equity
Jennifer Hilary as Zoe watches unseeingly as her stepbrother Godfrey (Ian McKellen) mends a puncture. In the background, the Priest is played by Peter Howell A SCENT OF FLOWERS
First London Contract
With Peter Howell, Wimbledon 23 October 1964, before matinee.
Programme Cover A SCENT OF FLOWERS
With Peter Howell
Avoiding responsibilities on stage at Golders Green Hippodrome