Cover of the programme for the Athens Festival
Herodus Atticus Theatre

Plays, February 1985

Plays and Players, January 1985

London Weekend Television previewing South Bank Show



"Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus!", II.1.163

Cominius (John Savident) and the Senators of Rome greet the newly-named
Coriolanus (Ian McKellen), II.1

Coriolanus (Ian McKellen) greets his wife Virgilia (Wendy Morgan), II.1

"Would'st thou have laughed had I come coffined home,
That weep'st to see me triumph?", II.1.172

"Hoo! Marcius coming home!", II.1.103
Volumnia (Irene Worth), Menenius (Frederick Treves) and Virgilia (Wendy

"Nay, go not from us thus.", V.3.131
Coriolanus (Ian McKellen) hears out his mother Volumnia (Irene Worth)

Volumnia, Coriolanus's mother (Irene Worth)

Post card on sale at the NT Bookshop London
Photo by: John Haynes

"He that retires, I'll take him for a Volsce", I.4.28
Photo by: Donald Cooper

"I'll fight with none but thee", I.8.1
Gaius Martius (Ian McKellen) engages Tullus Aufidius (Greg Hicks)

"Boy! O slave!", V.6.102

Aufidius (Greg Hicks)

Coriolanus (Ian McKellen) and Aufidius (Greg Hicks) in rehearsal

"Let me twine mine arms about that body", IV.5.108
Tullus Aufidius welcomes Coriolanus to his camp

In rehearsal room one. Royal National Theatre

In rehearsal

Ian McKellen in fight rehearsal ("the model's underwear are his own")

Setting up in Athens

Rehearsal at the Herodus Atticus Theatre in Athens

Rehearsal at the Herodus Atticus Theatre in Athens

Preparing for Athens show

Ian McKellen and Peter Hall setting up in Athens

Rehearsal at the Herodus Atticus Theatre in Athens

Rehearsal at the Herodus Atticus Theatre in Athens