Words by Ian McKellen
What a lark to play myself in a fictional story! The lesbian lovers travel from London to participate in the 4th Gay
Games held in New York in 1994 Their friend Steffi (James Dreyfus) follows
them, having met me briefly in London. I accompany him to the Ice Skating Championships to watch the lovers participate. Neither of the actresses is
gay but, using their characters' names, they entered for the championship as a lesbian couple. In the audience at the
ice-rink, only James and I knew their secret.
The actresses/characters won medals, in the true spirit of the Gay Games, not for their prowess but for their
determination and personal commitment.
I was free to join in the fun because I was presenting on Broadway a new solo show
A Knight Out as part of the arts
festival running alongside the athletics. — Ian McKellen, June 2000
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