31 December 2002
Happy New Year!

From: Joyce
Q: Can you send backstage tickets when filming a movie? Actually letting
people watch you film? or is it like a restricted area where no one can
enter except for people who are involved with the movie?
A: In the early days of silent movie-making in Hollywood, the
public paid to watch the cameras turning, corralled behind fences and
seated even in bleachers. These days, where on-set etiquette is strictly
observed, only trusted friends and family of the cast and crew are allowed
to observe shooting. So I'm afraid, unless you know someone involved,
visiting a movie stage is much more difficult than gaining admission to
either The White House or Buckingham Palace during the tourist season.

From: Mathew Green wherefore17@hotmail.com
Q: I have always admired (and enjoyed) the fact that you seem to balance
"important" films like
GODS AND MONSTERS with "lighter" material like
X-MEN. I wonder if you seek the same balance on the stage. I have marvelled at your
MACBETH, and it makes me wonder if
something like THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST appeals to you, as an
A: Much the most important element in any actor's career is luck but
I do aim for a varied one, balancing movies and theatre, with new work and
classics, comedy and high drama. I was asked recently to play Lady Bracknell and, not being able to think of any reason why I should (other
than to spite the women queuing up to play her,) I refused. Maybe Canon
Chasuble one day. I regret I missed playing Algy and Jack Worthing just

Q: In response to
one of your posts, the Library of Congress does not have
any of your Broadway plays. However, the New York Public Library does have
the Theatre On Film and Tape Archive, and their collection does include
"Amadeus", "Acting Shakespeare" and "Dance of Death". They don't have "A
Knight Out". The NYPL allows only limited access (one has to be a
researcher) and only allows viewings at the library during scheduled
appointments. I don't know who owns the rights to these videos, but
perhaps you could arrange for these plays to be made more readily
accessible to your fans. I am sure I'm not the only one who would like to
see more of your work.
A: Thanks for clearing up the details. No one is paid
and it is agreed that these recordings of live performances are absolutely
never to be shown publically. So no one owns the rights.

Q: I would just like to thank you so much for coming to the Seattle AIDS
Walk. My daughters and I did raise $550 for the cause as we knew Gandalf
would be watching. We have decided to make the walk an annual even for us
until there is a cure.
A: Thank you and bravissima!

Q: I'm an Italian admirer of yours and I was particularly impressed by
your interpretation of Gandalf. From then on I watched all your movies and
plays. My question is: will you soon play in a piece that I could come and
A: I am planning to appear on the London stage earlier rather
than later.
[Webmaster's Note:
Dance of Death
starring Ian McKellen and Frances de La Tour begins previews 20
February 2003, in London.]

Q: Hello, I played Macbeth in a school play when i was 16. On the second
night during the Banquet scene, when Banquo's ghost appeared disaster
struck. As lady macbeth was trying to rouse me (as Macbeth) out of one of
my fits her hair-piece fell off, right in front of me. This bought me into
such a state, trying to suppress my laughter, which in such a dramatic
scene was quite difficult. I failed. My speeches became mumbles and my
face was red and tearful with giggles appearing from all over me. Has such a terrible tragedy ever
befallen you?
A: Your story
sounds dreadfully familiar, reminding me of a still-shaming corpse during
Caste at Ipswich
in 1962. "Corpse" is the technical term ironical of course because the
last things stage corpses should do is laugh. Inadvertent laughter on
stage, as in church, becomes all the more hilarious because of the
occasion, and for the actor it's even worse, unable any longer to inhabit
the character and wondering what on earth he's doing, appearing in front
of a paying audience. Faced with that, all the most serious-minded actor
can do, on occasion, is to corpse.

From: Teri Kronberg burgaus@yahoo.com
Q: I have been researching the theatrical career of John
Castle. In fact, I've been putting a website together on his career. I
know that you were in "The Promise" with Mr. Castle. Was that the only
time you worked together, and not on stage? I was wondering if you have
any thoughts to share about working with him?
A: John and I became immediate friends when we filmed
The Promise and it's unlucky
that we haven't worked together since then. We share a sense of the
ridiculous and laugh a great deal when we meet. He is adept at Shakespeare
and the classics (a wonderful step-father to Daniel Day Lewis's Hamlet at
the Royal National Theatre) but is equally at home in new work onstage or

From: Dan Dagwood danziger_rulez@hotmail.com
Q: Have you done any Voice-Overs for cartoons? Like X-Men,
Batman Beyond, He-Man, Justice League, The Simpsons (especially The
A: Like no, no, no, no, no. I once auditioned unsuccessfully at
Buena Vista studios for a Disney animated film which seems to have been

Q: Are you a fan of the American T.V. Show "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"? It is
one of my favorites, and one of the few to feature openly gay characters
(Willow and Tara) in prominent and positive roles. I have found that this
show generally attracts only viewers of the most highly refined,
intellectually gifted, and tasteful variety, all three of which fit you to
a tee. Also it has some ties to Theatre, as one episode featured Hinton
Battle, the only living three time Tony Award winner (and a great
performer). Keep up the good work!!!!
A: I used to marvel at Hinton Battle's
acrobatic dancing on Broadway circa 1980. Although Jack Plotnick (who
stripped for me in
Gods and Monsters) has been a
Simpsons regular and although I concur (just a little) with your
compliments, I am still not a signed-up fan of the show. I've a feeling
that I ought to be.

From: Georgia Donovan georgia@theclothesdoctor.com
Q: For many years I have been looking for a video of two of his most
fabulous performances: "Dying Day" from PBS series MYSTERY and "Acting
Shakespeare" from 1982 TV special. If anyone knows anywhere that these are
available or has a copy PLEASE let me know.
A: Dying Day is not available as far as I know. Acting
Shakespeare (recorded in a New York television studio) still exists on
a master video tape which may yet be released for public consumption.
[Webmaster's note: Dying Day occasionally appears for sale on
