Ian McKellen Stage


Written by Harold Pinter

Directed by David Reid

Ian McKellen in the role of Stanley Webber

ADC Theatre, Cambridge

24 January 1961 - 28 January 1961


Words from Ian McKellen

The original production of Pinter's second play had not been well received, so perhaps our version two years later helped in establishing its popularity. Its structure is the traditional well-made play with two intervals. The characters are ordinary people who speak with Pinter's voice with an accent that perhaps inspired the Monty Python clowns. It was a joy to perform and the double-act of Tony Arlidge and Hugh Walters as Goldberg and McCann was horribly sinister. Nothing seemed obscure. — Ian McKellen, December 2006

Banner photo: Stanley


Full Cast List


Next Play: HENRY VI PARTS 2 AND 3 (Cambridge)