"This has been an historic season" announced Ian McKellen, his speech of thanks marking the end of an unique series of Sunday evening entertainments hosted by London's Playhouse Theatre, organised by CRUSAID in a joint venture with FACTS and finally made possible by the long list of performers who gave of their time and talent to raise money for those with AIDS.
The season was begun back In early October by McKellen himself with his one man show/Acting Shakespeare. Since then he has been followed onto the gently raked Playhouse stage by, among others, Alan Bates, Michael Feinstein, and Elisabeth Welch with the final night's entertainment being provided by Judi Dench and Michael Williams in a well received performance of Keith Waterhouse's 'Mr and Mrs Nobody'.
"The season has raised an Incredible £90,000," CRUSAID'S Geoff Hennlng told The Pink Paper. "Half of the money will go to FACTS and the other half will be used by CRUSAID to provide sheltered housing and community care for those with AIDS."
FACTS founder Andrew Heley mounted the stage to receive a cheque for £40,000 from Ian McKellen and provided a short account of FACTS work explaining that their portion of the money would go towards providing FACTS doctors with equipment to care for those with AIDS who chose to be treated at home. The neatly bearded doctor seconded all of Ian McKellen's thank yous and added one of his own which was greeted by loud applause from the packed Playhouse - that final thank you went to Ian McKellen. -- Caz Gorham, The Pink Paper, 22 December 1988
Banner photo:
18 December 1988 Ian McKellen, David Kernan, Ned Sherrin, Keith Waterhouse, Judi Dench, Alan Bates, and Michael Williams at The Playhouse in support of Crusaid
Photo by: Caz Gorham
Comments and Reviews
"This has been an historic season" announced Ian McKellen, his speech of thanks marking the end of an unique series of Sunday evening entertainments hosted by London's Playhouse Theatre, organised by CRUSAID in a joint venture with FACTS and finally made possible by the long list of performers who gave of their time and talent to raise money for those with AIDS. The season was begun back In early October by McKellen himself with his one man show/Acting Shakespeare. Since then he has been followed onto the gently raked Playhouse stage by, among others, Alan Bates, Michael Feinstein, and Elisabeth Welch with the final night's entertainment being provided by Judi Dench and Michael Williams in a well received performance of Keith Waterhouse's 'Mr and Mrs Nobody'.
"The season has raised an Incredible £90,000," CRUSAID'S Geoff Hennlng told The Pink Paper. "Half of the money will go to FACTS and the other half will be used by CRUSAID to provide sheltered housing and community care for those with AIDS."
FACTS founder Andrew Heley mounted the stage to receive a cheque for £40,000 from Ian McKellen and provided a short account of FACTS work explaining that their portion of the money would go towards providing FACTS doctors with equipment to care for those with AIDS who chose to be treated at home. The neatly bearded doctor seconded all of Ian McKellen's thank yous and added one of his own which was greeted by loud applause from the packed Playhouse - that final thank you went to Ian McKellen. -- Caz Gorham, The Pink Paper, 22 December 1988